Why Our Families LOVE All Saints!

"I wanted to share a story my child told me on the way to school today. I hope through this story you can see that your students are learning from you and putting into practice God's love and acceptance. As you know, our child has cerebral palsy and does not have the best gross motor skills, she is not athletic and has always been too uncomfortable to participate in kickball or soccer at recess, leaving her to play by herself. However, this year something has changed and she is playing soccer with her classmates at recess. She said that yesterday they were playing soccer and all of her classmates cleared the way for her and cheered her on so that she could score a goal. Then they gave her air high fives (covid). She told me she knew it wasn't a "real goal" but she was very excited and remarked how nice this was of her classmates (7th graders). This is a testament to your teaching and reinforces why we chose Catholic education. This class has shown acceptance and her confidence is growing every single day. We thank you and as her parents, we want you to know that we appreciate you and your dedication to all of your students." ~ Bernskoetter Family


"We’ve felt right at home since the first day we walked through the doors. Great academics, teachers, and staff. Very family oriented." ~ Guilliams Family


"My son graduated from All Saints and was MORE than prepared for high school. They truly strive for academic excellence. The Christ centered atmosphere and close knit community was icing on the cake!" ~Brase Family


"We wanted to share some good news with you and others at All Saints, that we as parents are super proud of! Our son was inducted into the National Honor Society today. We strongly believe his education at All Saints School helped prepare him for the hard achievements that he has earned. Has all honors classes, and it keeps him on top of his studies. Thank you to all at All Saints School!. We just really want to say he went to grade and middle school at All Saints with two other boys and now the three of them attend Christian Brothers High School together. Today all three of them, as Juniors in high school, were inducted together into NHS. All Saints School and the boys should be very proud!" ~ Griesenauer Family 


"I love All Saints!! I chose this school for my kids because of several reasons. One of which is the smaller classroom sizes! The teachers and staff are wonderful & they really care about the students!" ~ Bresnahan Family


"The reason I send my son to All Saints and what I value most about his education there is simple. We put God first in all that we do. Not only do I teach him about The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit in our home, but I send him to a school where our same values, morals, and spiritual faith is taught as well. You can never have too much God in your life." ~ Stratton Family 

"My husband and I chose All Saints when our son was going into preschool where he would get the Catholic-based education we were looking for. After my husband, son, and I visited the open house and saw the preschool classrooms and talked to the preschool teachers and aides we decided All Saints was a great fit for our family. Almost instantly after the school year started we felt like we were part of the All Saints family. Teachers and staff knew all of our names and greeted us by name whenever they would see us. After meeting several other All Saints families we felt even more at home. Families with older children all told us how well prepared their child had been going into Kindergarten. This is because the teachers and aides in the preschool classes are amazing. Not only are they preschooler teachers but they also treat the children as if they are their own. Based on everything we had observed, we knew our son would continue into Kindergarten at All Saints. It has only gotten better, as he is currently in 3rd grade and enjoying it very much. We have since sent our daughter to preschool at All Saints and she is currently in Kindergarten here. Both of our children love going to school. They have had a great relationship with all of their teachers and we know this will continue as we have heard excellent things about the teachers in grades above the one our oldest is in. We like the smaller class sizes as it allows the teachers to really get to know their students and the students get more time with their teacher. We love that Christ’s teachings are reinforced here at All Saints School." ~ Greene Family


"After spending 6 years at another large, local private school in the area we explored All Saints as an alternative. My wife and I went from anxious to excited after only a few meetings with the faculty and Principal. After our daughter shadowed for a day, she was sold. The level of personal attention, kindness from the staff, and the overall welcoming atmosphere has been amazing. I can't recommend the school highly enough. My daughter is academically challenged (A student), the students are morally guided and the staff is personally engaged in the education of the young people in their care. If you have an interest in trusting the education of your child to All Saints, I strongly encourage you to schedule a day for your child to shadow and see how wonderful the school is!" ~ Bernskoetter Family


"All Saints is a wonderful school and each teacher treats their students with patience and consistency. My oldest son started preschool at All Saints and is now a thriving first grader. My second child just started preschool at All Saints and is in love with everything he gets to experience from computer class to recess even using the smart board! We love All Saints and think the world of their teachers." ~ Anthony Family


"Just what we were looking for. We moved here from out of state only to find that the public schools, although the best in the area, were missing certain aspects of the schools back home (Wisconsin). We toured several private schools. Although the public schools were okay, All Saints School stood out in terms of the genuine interest of each child, common sense, developing a healthy self-esteem and attitude with children, demonstrating a mentoring and encouraging atmosphere, and just overall healthy learning environment. The course work is more challenging...and demands more than just being present. The teachers are supportive, yet firm where they need to be. Communication with parents has been very good. Although my children have been raised Lutheran, the religious discussions have been positive, productive, and have actually brought thoughtful awareness out of my children, that I am pleasantly surprised about (more than I expected). Recess IS recess...Lunch is relaxing, and fun-spirited ... In Gym, they PLAY GAMES!!!! ...and are interested in giving the kids the fun gym experience that as a kid, made me look forward to exercise ...Again, All Saints School uses a "common sense" model, with simple rules that ensure safety, yet allow the kids to be kids! My kids LOVE All Saints School." ~ All Saints Alumni


"We absolutely love All Saints! The teachers and administration really care about each student and want them to succeed. The students can work at, above, or below grade level in reading and math to match their own personal learning curve and they are always encouraged to exceed their goals. We have also had a tremendous experience with their preschool program. We can't say enough wonderful things about All Saints and would highly encourage you to consider it." ~ All Saints Alumni


"Our three children attended All Saints School. Two have graduated from college and one is working towards a master's degree. All Saints provided a solid academic foundation and left them well-prepared for high school. The family atmosphere at All Saints helped our children choose friends with Christian values when they attended public high schools. In fact, they are still close to their All Saints friends. I am grateful that we made sacrifices to send our children to All Saints school!" ~ All Saints Alumni