October Monthly Welcome
September 04, 2024

October Monthly Welcome

From the Desk of Principal Bishop

October 1, 2024


Dear All Saints Families,

Welcome to fall!!! I want to say a HUGE thank you to Mrs. Myles and her committee for all the hard work on the Fall Festival and Mrs. Radeke for her hard work on the Fun Run. I know I had a great time and everyone I spoke with did as well. Not every day a kid gets to walk a llama or lift a huge turtle!

Our 6th graders had a great time at our Outdoor Education Experience at Camp Lakewood. The boys were excited as many of them rode a horse for the first time. They were able to grow in relationships with each other as they began their Junior High journey together. There was archery, horseback riding, a team-building challenge course, axe throwing, water ecology, and a survival hike  - to name a few activities! Thank you to our 6th-grade teacher, Mr. Boland, and each of our parent volunteers who helped transport and chaperone students during this exciting week. And special thanks to all of our school and parish families who attend and support these Home and School fundraisers that make this wonderful week possible. We couldn't do it without you!  

Speaking of those camp fundraisers, the first one of this year will be our annual Trunk or Treat! This year we will be holding Trunk or Treat on October 18th. Look for more information and sign-ups to reserve your spots to come home with your oldest child.

We are only three weeks away from the end of the first quarter on October 17th. Time is flying!! With the end of the quarter comes our Parent Teacher Conferences which are TWO days this year: The afternoon/evening of Oct. 24 and the afternoon of Oct. 25. We encourage you to attend and discuss your child’s progress with their teachers, as well as to celebrate the wonderful work they’ve been doing at school. For Junior High students, we ask that they join the conference alongside their parents, as their involvement in their education is essential. The signup link will be emailed to you soon.

This year our Fall Break will be from Oct. 26-Nov.3. This will be a great opportunity to reset and recharge while celebrating Halloween, All Saints Day, and All Soul's Day during this time off. All Saints' Day is a special day to honor all the saints in heaven, even those we might not know by name. It's a time to remember the good and holy lives they lived and how they can inspire us to be kind and loving too. On this day, families can celebrate Mass and think about how we can follow the saints' example. All Saints' Day comes right after Halloween and is followed by All Souls' Day when we pray for our loved ones who have passed away. This is a wonderful time to come together as a family and reflect on these meaningful celebrations together.

Other important dates to note are on the school calendar under the Parents tab. Make sure to download our live Google calendar if you haven't already. Just scroll to the bottom of the calendar for the download button.

Happy October 1st!

Dr. Melvin Bishop, Principal